How Steve’s Woodenstuff came to be.

For as far back as I can remember I’ve always had a passion for working with my hands, making and creating. Given, not all the time having success but for me that’s all part of creating “art” and passion creations. sometimes they work out and others not, each and every time learning along the journey and giving us instruction for the next attempt.

Back in 2017, I started getting more into my passion of woodturning and box making in particular. I got sick and tired of my only supplier for timber at the time having Pine and Merbau (Bunnings).
I started my search for quality timber that I wanted to work with and boy oh boy was it a steep learning curve, it opened up a whole new world of timbers, figured, dry, wet, seasoned, all of which i had no idea what was what.

Fast forward 6 months and I had made a few larger products made from materials I had purchased from a lumber yard and sold the rest to other makers in the area that were having the same issues as myself. Either not being able to find quality timber at a reasonable price, or finding quality timber but not at a makers price.

As a maker myself, I understand the need for quality product at fair prices as once we add time, consumables (sandpapers, oils, glue etc) and our expertise, sometimes it all adds up and we need to either work for free or charge more for the finished product than others are selling it for.

Enter Steve’s Woodenstuff, a maker, selling timber to and for makers!